Sao Mai Nguyen specializes in cognitive developmental learning, reinforcement learning, imitation learning, automatic curriculum learning for robots : she develops algorithms for robots to learn multi-task controls by designing themselves their curriculum and by active imitation learning. She received her PhD from Inria in 2013 in computer science, for her machine learning algorithms combining reinforcement learning and active imitation learning for interactive and multi-task learning. She holds an Engineer degree from Ecole Polytechnique, France and a master’s degree in adaptive machine systems from Osaka University, Japan. She has coordinated project KERAAL to enable a robot to coach physical rehabilitation. She has participated in project AMUSAAL, for analysing human activities of daily living, and CPER VITAAL for developing assistive technologies for the elderly and disabled. She is currently an assistant professor at Ensta IP Paris, France and was previously with IMT Atlantique. She also acts as an associate editor of the journal IEEE TCDS and the co-chair of the Task force “Action and Perception” of the IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. For more information visit her webpage: